ALUMINUM has been used safely as an adjuvant in vaccines since the 1940s. Adjuvants allow for the manufacture of vaccines with lower amounts of antigen (necessary to trigger the immune system) and for fewer doses of vaccines.
Aluminum is everywhere; in water, air, soil, and plants. Whether injected via vaccines or ingested in food, aluminum gets into the bloodstream and is processed by the body. When studied, aluminum levels in the bloodstream did not increase after receiving vaccines.
Aluminum can only affect a person’s health in two (2) situations; being exposed to large amounts of aluminum over several months or years e.g. in antacids OR having kidneys that do not work well or do not work at all.
FORMALDEHYDE, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in tiny amounts, has long been used in the manufacture of viral and bacterial vaccines.
Formaldehyde is found everywhere, our bodies produce it and we even exhale very small amounts of it in our breaths. The amount of formaldehyde present in some vaccines is so small compared to the concentrations that occur naturally in the body that it does not pose a safety concern.
Formaldehyde is used in vaccines to inactivate viruses and so prevent them from causing the disease the person is being vaccinated against. Additionally, it is a common vaccine preservative added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi that could be introduced into the body at the time the vaccine is being administered.
THIMEROSAL was added to vaccines in the 1930s to prevent contamination with dangerous bacteria and fungi. It is an organic compound that contains very small amounts of mercury, but it is in a different form than the potentially harmful mercury we are all exposed to in the environment.
Thimerosal has been studied extensively and the type of mercury in thimerosal has never been shown to cause health problems other than rare allergic reactions in some people. Thimerosal does not cause neurologic problems or autism. Additionally, most of the childhood vaccines (measles-mumps-rubella, inactivated polio, chicken pox, and pneumococcal) never contained thimerosal.
Thimerosal has been removed from all childhood vaccines or is present in trace amounts (in some multi-dose vial flu vaccines) since 2001.
The decision was made, not because of safety concerns but for the following reason. In 1994, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended that the allowable level for METHYL MERCURY be decreased from 0.3 micrograms per kilogram to 0.1 micrograms per kilogram. However, thimerosal is metabolized to ETHYL MERCURY and is excreted rapidly. The CDC has not established safe levels for this form of mercury.
Please contact us if you would like to have further discussions on any of this information or access to any related studies.